
  • Dario Larrea Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, Departamento de Biología, Laboratorio de Biología de los Artrópodos. Av. Libertad 5470, Corrientes, Argentina.
  • Gilberto Avalos Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, Departamento de Biología, Laboratorio de Biología de los Artrópodos. Av. Libertad 5470, Corrientes, Argentina.
  • Ivo Zanone Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, Departamento de Biología, Laboratorio de Biología de los Artrópodos. Av. Libertad 5470, Corrientes, Argentina.




Biodiversity, Formicidae, agroecosystems, Argentina


Ants have an important ecological role and they can help in prevention and pests management. That is why is important to know the species and understand the function they perform in different systems. The main propose of this work was to study the ants diversity on the ground in Citrus sinensis crop, with irrigation (IC) and without (NC). Pitfall traps, foliage patterns, manual capture and sifting litter were used to characterize ant assemblages and compare the ant diversity between treatments. In total, 26 species and 13 genera were collected, grouped in 5 families. The irrigated crop presented the higher richness, abundance and diversity index values, although the differences between crops were not significant. Nine ant guilds were recognized, distributed in three groups (epigeas, arboreal and hypogea). The epigeous ant group was the one that presented the most abundance in both crops. In the two treatments the three general groups were found, even though in NC crop, the Specialist predators (Sp) and Agile pseudomyrmicinae (Ap) guilds were not registered, which were exclusives of treatment CR. Sf index showed big functional similarity between both treatments. This study provides four new species records for Corrientes province: Cephalotes bruchi, Cephalotes minutus, Cyphomyrmex transversus y Pheidole jelskii.


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Aldana-De La Torre, R.C., Aldana, J., Calvache, H. & Arias, D. (1998) Papel de la hormiga Crematogaster spp. en el control natural de Leptopharsa gibbicarina en una plantación de palma de aceite de la Zona Central. Palmas (Colombia) 19, 25-32.

Almeida, F.S., Queiroz, J.M. & Mayhe-Nunes, A.J. (2007) Distribuição e abundância de ninhos de Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em um agroecossistema diversificado sob manejo orgânico. Brazilian Journal of Forestry and Enviroment 14, 34-44.

Andersen, A.N. (1995) A Classification of Australian Ant Communities, Based on Functional Groups Which Parallel Plant Life-Forms in Relation to Stress and Disturbance. Journal of Biogeography 22, 15. https://doi.org/10.2307/2846070

de Andrade, M. & Baroni Urbani, C. (1999) Diversity and adaptation in the ant genus Cephalotes, past and present. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie) 271, 1-889.

Arbino, M.O. & Godoy, M.C. (2001) Relaciones biológicas entre hormigas ( Insecta : Hymenoptera , Formicidae ) y termites ( insecta : Isoptera ) en el macrosistema Iberá.

Arenas, A. & Armbrecht, I. (2018) Guilds and diversity of ants in three land uses from a coffee landscape at Cauca -Colombia. [Gremios y diversidad de hormigas (Hymenoptera: formicidae) en tres usos del suelo de un paisaje cafetero del Cauca-colombia.]. Revista de Biologia Tropical 66, 48-57.

Bale, J.S., Van Lenteren, J.C. & Bigler, F. (2008) Biological control and sustainable food production. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 363, 761-776. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2007.2182

Bañol, C., Barrientos, J.A. & Piñol, J. (2015) Efecto de la exclusión de hormigas sobre la abundancia y diversidad de Hymenoptera Parasitica en un cultivo ecológico de mandarinos (La Selva del Camp, Tarragona, España). Orsis 29, 119. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/orsis.20

Bestelmeyer, B.T. (2000) The trade-off between thermal tolerance and behavioural dominance in a subtropical south american ant community. Journal of Animal Ecology 69, 998-1009.

Bestelmeyer, B.T. & Wiens, J.A. (1996) The Effects of Land Use on the Structure of Ground-Foraging Ant Communities in the Argentine Chaco. Ecological Applications 6, 1225-1240.

Calcaterra, L.A., Cuezzo, F., Cabrera, S.M. & Briano, J.A. (2010) Ground Ant Diversity ( Hymenoptera : Formicidae ) in the Ibera ´ Nature Reserve , the Largest Wetland of Argentina. Conservation Biology and Biodiversity 103, 71-83.

Colwell, R. (2015) Estimates: Statistical Estimation of Species Richness and Shared Species from Samples. Version 9.

Colwell, R., Mao, C. & Chang, J. (2004) Interpolating, extrapolating, and comparing incidence-based species accumulation curves. Ecology 85, 2717-2727.

Currie, D.J. (1991) Energy and large scale patterns of animaland plant-species richness. The American Naturalist 137, 27-49.

Feinsinger, P. (2001) Designing Field Studies for Biodiversity Conservation. Island Press. Washington, USA., 212 pp.

Gallego-Ropero, M.C. (2005) Intensidad de manejo del agroecosistema de café (coffea arabiga l.) (monocultivo y policultivo) y riqueza de especies de hormigas generalistas. Boletín del Museo de Entomología de la Universidad del Valle 6, 16-29.

Gallego-Ropero, M.C., Montoya-Lerma, J. & Armbrecht, I. (2009) ¿Es la sombra benéfica para la diversidad de hormigas y peso del café? una experiencia en pescador, Cauca, Colombia. Boletin Cientifico Centro de Museos. Museo de Historia Natural. 13, 106-116.

Gerez, A. (1988) Procalus lenzi y Procalus malaisei (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): Dos especialistas del matorral. Rev. Chilena Entomol 16, 65-67.

Giménez, L., Goldfarb, M. & Casco, J. (2001) Comportamiento regional de precipitaciones mensuales en la Provincia de Corrientes. Corrientes, Argentina.

Gomez Lutz, M.C. & Godoy, M.C. (2010) Diversidad y grupos funcionales de Formicidae ( Insecta , Hymenoptera ) de la reserva natural educativa Colonia Benítez ( Provincia del Chaco , Argentina). Revista FABICIB 14, 180-195.

Halaj, J., Ross, D. & Moldenke, A. (2000) Importance of habitat structure to the arthropod food-web in Douglas-fir canopies. Oikos 90, 139-152.

Hammer, Ø., Harper, D.A.T. & Ryan, P.D. (2001) PalaeontologiaElectronica PAST: Paleontologicalstatistics software package for education and data analysis.

Kaspari, M., O’Donnell, S. & Kercher, J.R. (2000) Energy, Density, and Constraints to Species Richness: Ant Assemblages along a Productivity Gradient. The American Naturalist 155, 280-293. https://doi.org/10.1086/303313

Krell, F. (2004) Parataxonomy versus taxonomy in biodiversity studies-pitfalls and applicability of ‘morphospecies’ sorting. En: Entomology, Strength in Diversity, XXII International Congress of Entomology. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Lawton, J.H. (1983) Plant architecture and the diversity of phytophagous insects. Annual Review of Entomology 28, 23-29.

Leponce, M., Theunis, L., Delabie, J.H.C. & Roisin, Y. (2004) Scale dependence of diversity measures in a leaf-litter ant assemblage. Ecography 27, 253-267. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0906-7590.2004.03715.x

Lozano, J.C., Cardona, A.M.A. & Ulloa-Chacon, P. (2013) Hormigas en cultivos de naranja (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) de la costa Caribe de Colombia. Biota Colombiana 8, 13-19.

Majka, C. & Bondrup-Nielsen, S. (2006) Parataxonomy: a test case using beetles. Biodiversity Animal Conservation 29, 149-156.

Matos, J., Yamanaka, C., Castellani, T. & Lopes, B. (1994) Comparação da fauna de formigas de solo em áreas de plantio de Pinus elliottii, com diferentes graus de complexidade estrutural (Florianópolis, SC). Biotemas 7, 57-64.

Moreno, C.E. (2001) 1 M&T–Manuales y Tesis SEA Métodos para medir la biodiversidad. Zaragoza, 84 pp.

Morrone, J.J. (2000) What is the Chacoan subregion? Neotropica 46, 51-68.

Oliver, I. & Beattie, J. (1993) A possible method for the rapid assessment of biodiversity. Conservation Biology 7, 562-568.

Oliver, I. & Beattie, J. (1996a) Designing a cost-effective invertebrate survey: a test of methods for rapid assessment of biodiversity. Ecological Applications 6, 594-607.

Oliver, I. & Beattie, J. (1996b) Invertebrate morphospecies as surrogates for species: a case study. Conservation Biology 10, 99-109.

Olivero-G., D., Guerrero, R. & Escárraga-F., M. (2009) Claves taxonómicas para las hormigas cazadoras (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae S. Str., Ectatomminae, Heteroponerinae) de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Intropica 4, 17-28. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897864.135

Palacio, E.E. & Fernández, F. (2003) Claves para las subfamilias y géneros. En: F. Fernández (Ed), Introducción a las hormigas de la región neotropical. Bogota, Colombia, pp. 233-260.

Pérez-Sanchez, A.J., Lattke, J.E. & Viloria, A.L. (2012) Composición y Estructura de la Fauna de Hormigas en tres formaciones de vegetacións semiarida de la Peninsula de Paraguaná, Venezuela. Interciencia 37, 506-514.

Philpott, S.M. & Armbrecht, I. (2006) Biodiversity in tropical agroforests and the ecological role of ants and ant diversity in predatory function. Ecological Entomology 31, 369-377.

Quiran, E.M. (2007) The neotropical genus Brachymyrmex Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Argentina. III. redescription of species: B. aphidicola Forel, B. australis Forel & B. constrictus Santschi. Neotropical Entomology 26(5), 699-706. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-566X2005000500007

Rivera, L. & Armbrecht, I. (2005) Diversidad de tres gremios de hormigas en cafetales de sombra, de sol y bosques de Risaralda. Revista Colombiana de Entomología2 31, 84-96.

Romero, F. (2016) Manejo integrado de plagas: las bases, los conceptos, su mercantilización. Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, 109.

Samways, M.J. (1983) Community Structure of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a Series of Habitats Associatedwith Citrus. Journal of Applied Ecology. 20, 833-847.

Santos, M.P.C.J., Carrano-Moreira, A.F. & Torres, J.B. (2012) Diversidade de formigas epigeicas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em floresta ombrófila densa e em cultivo de cana-de-açúcar, no município de Igarassu, PE. Revista Brasileirade Ciencias Agrarias 7, 648-656. https://doi.org/10.5039/agraria.v7i4a1927

Silvestre, R., Roberto, C., Brandão, F. & Rosa, R. (2003) Grupos funcionales de hormigas : El caso de los gremios del Cerrado. En: F. Fernández (Ed), Introducción a las hormigas de la región neotropical. Bogota, Colombia, pp. 113-148.

Vázquez Moreno, L., Matienzo Brito, Y., Alfonso Simonetti, J., Moreno Rodríguez, D. & Álvarez Núñez, A. (2009) Diversidad de especies de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en cafetales afectados por Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae). Fitosanidad 13, 163-168.

Vittar, F. (2008) Hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) de la Mesopotamia Argentina. En: F. G. Aceñolaza (Ed), Temas de la Biodiversidad del Litoral III. Tucuman, pp. 447-466.

Table 1: Subfamilies and species/morphospecies of Formicidae found in Citrus sinensis. Bella Vista, Corrientes, Argentina.

Referencia Subfamilia

Especies ICa NCb Functional groups c


Dorymyrmex thoracicus Gallardo, 1916 7,02 4,77 Op

Dorymyrmex pyramicus (Roger, 1863) 2,82 0,69 Op

Dorymyrmex sp 1 0,1 0,06 Op


Camponotus punctulatusMayr, 1868 37,29 27,3 Sc

Camponotus rufipes (Fabricius, 1775) 0,15 0,51 Sc

Camponotus blandus (Smith, 1858) 0,26 0,3 Sc

Camponotus cordicepsSantschi, 1939 0,2 0 Sc

Brachymyrmex sp 1 1,35 1,4 Lvs

Brachymyrmex sp 2 0,01 0 Lvs

Nylanderia fulva (Mayr, 1862) 0,88 0,06 Op

Nylanderia silvestrii (Emery, 1906) 0,06 0,1 Op


Cephalotes bruchi(Forel, 1912)* 2,97 1,71 Ce

Cephalotes minutus (Fabricius, 1804)* 0,2 0 Ce

Crematogaster sp 1 4,02 0 Msla

Crematogaster sp 2 0,06 0 Msla

Cyphomyrmex rimosus (Spinola, 1851) 0,36 0 CA

Cyphomyrmex transversus Emery, 1894* 0,21 0,11 CA

Pheidole oscurithorax Naves, 1985 8,8 10,56 Gd

Pheidole radoszkowskii Mayr, 1884 0,3 0,14 Gd

Pheidole jelskii Mayr, 1884* 0,18 0,03 Gd

Pheidole sp 2 0,07 0,05 Gd

Solenopsis invictaBuren, 1972 5,3 5,1 Gd

Trachymyrmex sp 0,02 0 CA

Wasmannia auropunctata (Roger, 1863) 0,88 7,21 Msla


Pseudomyrmex gracilis (Fabricius, 1804) 0,06 0 Ap


Odontomachus haematodus (Linnaeus, 1758) 0,12 0 Sp

Abundancia Ajustada TOTAL 73,69 60,1

aIC Irrigated crop.

bNC Non.irrigated crop

c CA Criptic Atini. Msla: Massive recruitment little arboreal, Ce: Cephalotini, SC: Subordinate camponotini, Sp: Specialist predators, Gd: Ground dominant, Lvs: Litter and vegetation specialists, Op: Opportunistic, Ap: Agile pseudomyrmicinae.

*New record to Corrientes province.

Table 2: Diversity index by treatment type. Bella vista, Corrientes, Argentina.

Indexe ICa NCb

Taxa (S) 26 17

Simpson (D) 0,94 0,91

Shannon-Wiener (H’) 3,03 2,57

Equitability of Pielou (J’) 0,93 0,91

a IC Irrigated crop.

b NC Non-irrigated crop

Table 3: Formicidae guilds percentage in Cistrus sinensis crop. Bella Vista, Corrientes, Argentina.

Groups Functional groups IC %a NC %b

Arboreals Massive recruitment little arboreal (Msla) 6,73 12

Cephalotini (Ce) 4,3 2,85

Agile pseudomyrmicinae (Ap) 0,08 0

Epigeas Micófagas Criptic Atini. (CA) 0,8 0,18

Omnivorous Ground dominant (Gd) 19,88 26,42

Camponotini patrol (Cp) 51,43 46,77

Opportunists; (Op) 14,76 9,45

Depredators Specialist predators (Sp) 0,16 0


Litter and vegetation specialists

(Lvs) 1,85 2,33

Aldana-De La Torre, R.C., Aldana, J., Calvache, H. & Arias, D. (1998) Papel de la hormiga Crematogaster spp. en el control natural de Leptopharsa gibbicarina en una plantación de palma de aceite de la Zona Central. Palmas (Colombia) 19, 25-32.

Almeida, F.S., Queiroz, J.M. & Mayhe-Nunes, A.J. (2007) Distribuição e abundância de ninhos de Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em um agroecossistema diversificado sob manejo orgânico. Brazilian Journal of Forestry and Enviroment 14, 34-44.

Andersen, A.N. (1995) A Classification of Australian Ant Communities, Based on Functional Groups Which Parallel Plant Life-Forms in Relation to Stress and Disturbance. Journal of Biogeography 22, 15. https://doi.org/10.2307/2846070

de Andrade, M. & Baroni Urbani, C. (1999) Diversity and adaptation in the ant genus Cephalotes, past and present. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie) 271, 1-889.

Arbino, M.O. & Godoy, M.C. (2001) Relaciones biológicas entre hormigas ( Insecta : Hymenoptera , Formicidae ) y termites ( insecta : Isoptera ) en el macrosistema Iberá.

Arenas, A. & Armbrecht, I. (2018) Guilds and diversity of ants in three land uses from a coffee landscape at Cauca -Colombia. [Gremios y diversidad de hormigas (Hymenoptera: formicidae) en tres usos del suelo de un paisaje cafetero del Cauca-colombia.]. Revista de Biologia Tropical 66, 48-57.

Bale, J.S., Van Lenteren, J.C. & Bigler, F. (2008) Biological control and sustainable food production. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 363, 761-776. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2007.2182

Bañol, C., Barrientos, J.A. & Piñol, J. (2015) Efecto de la exclusión de hormigas sobre la abundancia y diversidad de Hymenoptera Parasitica en un cultivo ecológico de mandarinos (La Selva del Camp, Tarragona, España). Orsis 29, 119. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/orsis.20

Bestelmeyer, B.T. (2000) The trade-off between thermal tolerance and behavioural dominance in a subtropical south american ant community. Journal of Animal Ecology 69, 998-1009.

Bestelmeyer, B.T. & Wiens, J.A. (1996) The Effects of Land Use on the Structure of Ground-Foraging Ant Communities in the Argentine Chaco. Ecological Applications 6, 1225-1240.

Calcaterra, L.A., Cuezzo, F., Cabrera, S.M. & Briano, J.A. (2010) Ground Ant Diversity ( Hymenoptera : Formicidae ) in the Ibera ´ Nature Reserve , the Largest Wetland of Argentina. Conservation Biology and Biodiversity 103, 71-83.

Colwell, R. (2015) Estimates: Statistical Estimation of Species Richness and Shared Species from Samples. Version 9.

Colwell, R., Mao, C. & Chang, J. (2004) Interpolating, extrapolating, and comparing incidence-based species accumulation curves. Ecology 85, 2717-2727.

Currie, D.J. (1991) Energy and large scale patterns of animaland plant-species richness. The American Naturalist 137, 27-49.

Feinsinger, P. (2001) Designing Field Studies for Biodiversity Conservation. Island Press. Washington, USA., 212 pp.

Gallego-Ropero, M.C. (2005) Intensidad de manejo del agroecosistema de café (coffea arabiga l.) (monocultivo y policultivo) y riqueza de especies de hormigas generalistas. Boletín del Museo de Entomología de la Universidad del Valle 6, 16-29.

Gallego-Ropero, M.C., Montoya-Lerma, J. & Armbrecht, I. (2009) ¿Es la sombra benéfica para la diversidad de hormigas y peso del café? una experiencia en pescador, Cauca, Colombia. Boletin Cientifico Centro de Museos. Museo de Historia Natural. 13, 106-116.

Gerez, A. (1988) Procalus lenzi y Procalus malaisei (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): Dos especialistas del matorral. Rev. Chilena Entomol 16, 65-67.

Giménez, L., Goldfarb, M. & Casco, J. (2001) Comportamiento regional de precipitaciones mensuales en la Provincia de Corrientes. Corrientes, Argentina.

Gomez Lutz, M.C. & Godoy, M.C. (2010) Diversidad y grupos funcionales de Formicidae ( Insecta , Hymenoptera ) de la reserva natural educativa Colonia Benítez ( Provincia del Chaco , Argentina). Revista FABICIB 14, 180-195.

Halaj, J., Ross, D. & Moldenke, A. (2000) Importance of habitat structure to the arthropod food-web in Douglas-fir canopies. Oikos 90, 139-152.

Hammer, Ø., Harper, D.A.T. & Ryan, P.D. (2001) PalaeontologiaElectronica PAST: Paleontologicalstatistics software package for education and data analysis.

Kaspari, M., O’Donnell, S. & Kercher, J.R. (2000) Energy, Density, and Constraints to Species Richness: Ant Assemblages along a Productivity Gradient. The American Naturalist 155, 280-293. https://doi.org/10.1086/303313

Krell, F. (2004) Parataxonomy versus taxonomy in biodiversity studies-pitfalls and applicability of ‘morphospecies’ sorting. En: Entomology, Strength in Diversity, XXII International Congress of Entomology. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Lawton, J.H. (1983) Plant architecture and the diversity of phytophagous insects. Annual Review of Entomology 28, 23-29.

Leponce, M., Theunis, L., Delabie, J.H.C. & Roisin, Y. (2004) Scale dependence of diversity measures in a leaf-litter ant assemblage. Ecography 27, 253-267. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0906-7590.2004.03715.x

Lozano, J.C., Cardona, A.M.A. & Ulloa-Chacon, P. (2013) Hormigas en cultivos de naranja (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) de la costa Caribe de Colombia. Biota Colombiana 8, 13-19.

Majka, C. & Bondrup-Nielsen, S. (2006) Parataxonomy: a test case using beetles. Biodiversity Animal Conservation 29, 149-156.

Matos, J., Yamanaka, C., Castellani, T. & Lopes, B. (1994) Comparação da fauna de formigas de solo em áreas de plantio de Pinus elliottii, com diferentes graus de complexidade estrutural (Florianópolis, SC). Biotemas 7, 57-64.

Moreno, C.E. (2001) 1 M&T–Manuales y Tesis SEA Métodos para medir la biodiversidad. Zaragoza, 84 pp.

Morrone, J.J. (2000) What is the Chacoan subregion? Neotropica 46, 51-68.

Oliver, I. & Beattie, J. (1993) A possible method for the rapid assessment of biodiversity. Conservation Biology 7, 562-568.

Oliver, I. & Beattie, J. (1996a) Designing a cost-effective invertebrate survey: a test of methods for rapid assessment of biodiversity. Ecological Applications 6, 594-607.

Oliver, I. & Beattie, J. (1996b) Invertebrate morphospecies as surrogates for species: a case study. Conservation Biology 10, 99-109.

Olivero-G., D., Guerrero, R. & Escárraga-F., M. (2009) Claves taxonómicas para las hormigas cazadoras (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae S. Str., Ectatomminae, Heteroponerinae) de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Intropica 4, 17-28. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897864.135

Palacio, E.E. & Fernández, F. (2003) Claves para las subfamilias y géneros. En: F. Fernández (Ed), Introducción a las hormigas de la región neotropical. Bogota, Colombia, pp. 233-260.

Pérez-Sanchez, A.J., Lattke, J.E. & Viloria, A.L. (2012) Composición y Estructura de la Fauna de Hormigas en tres formaciones de vegetacións semiarida de la Peninsula de Paraguaná, Venezuela. Interciencia 37, 506-514.

Philpott, S.M. & Armbrecht, I. (2006) Biodiversity in tropical agroforests and the ecological role of ants and ant diversity in predatory function. Ecological Entomology 31, 369-377.

Quiran, E.M. (2007) The neotropical genus Brachymyrmex Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Argentina. III. redescription of species: B. aphidicola Forel, B. australis Forel & B. constrictus Santschi. Neotropical Entomology 26(5), 699-706. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-566X2005000500007

Rivera, L. & Armbrecht, I. (2005) Diversidad de tres gremios de hormigas en cafetales de sombra, de sol y bosques de Risaralda. Revista Colombiana de Entomología2 31, 84-96.

Romero, F. (2016) Manejo integrado de plagas: las bases, los conceptos, su mercantilización. Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, 109.

Samways, M.J. (1983) Community Structure of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a Series of Habitats Associatedwith Citrus. Journal of Applied Ecology. 20, 833-847.

Santos, M.P.C.J., Carrano-Moreira, A.F. & Torres, J.B. (2012) Diversidade de formigas epigeicas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em floresta ombrófila densa e em cultivo de cana-de-açúcar, no município de Igarassu, PE. Revista Brasileirade Ciencias Agrarias 7, 648-656. https://doi.org/10.5039/agraria.v7i4a1927

Silvestre, R., Roberto, C., Brandão, F. & Rosa, R. (2003) Grupos funcionales de hormigas : El caso de los gremios del Cerrado. En: F. Fernández (Ed), Introducción a las hormigas de la región neotropical. Bogota, Colombia, pp. 113-148.

Vázquez Moreno, L., Matienzo Brito, Y., Alfonso Simonetti, J., Moreno Rodríguez, D. & Álvarez Núñez, A. (2009) Diversidad de especies de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en cafetales afectados por Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae). Fitosanidad 13, 163-168.

Vittar, F. (2008) Hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) de la Mesopotamia Argentina. En: F. G. Aceñolaza (Ed), Temas de la Biodiversidad del Litoral III. Tucuman, pp. 447-466.




How to Cite

LARREA, D.; AVALOS, . G.; ZANONE, I. DIVERSITY AND FUNCTIONAL GROUPS OF ANTS IN Citrus sinensis CROP FIELD WITH DIFFERENT WATERING REGIME. Boletín de la Sociedad Zoológica del Uruguay, [S. l.], v. 31, n. 1, p. e31.1.2, 2022. DOI: 10.26462/31.1.2. Disponível em: http://szu.org.uy/journal/index.php/Bol_SZU/article/view/207. Acesso em: 8 jul. 2024.